WeShineTogether LLC Community Restoration Company Humboldt County California    "Awakening A Sleeping Giant"   

WeShineTogether LLC Community Restoration Company Humboldt County California    "Awakening A Sleeping Giant"   


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Creating Prosperity. Art by KarenBarmast

Creating Prosperity. Art by KarenBarmast

A community restoration company? What does that mean? Okay, let me explain. We restore lives by employing and housing homeless individuals to provide various uplifting services within our community. How? Well, it's kind of simple. We restore abandoned properties to raise the property value around neighborhoods plagued by the presence of abandoned land and buildings, known as "eyesores" to the community. I did say kind of simple... Bear with me......

If you will, let me explain further. Surely, you'll see how we can Shine Together and simplify a majority of our society's complications! "There is more than one way to skin a cat," or so the saying goes. WeShineTogether employees are diamonds in the rough, selling their artwork, personal products, and various services. For example, they are available for odd jobs like car washes or garbage removal.

WeShineTogether LLC's primary concern is a positive impact, by offering a service that rebuilds both customers' and employees' lives. As a result, even if you're not a customer or employee, we aim to make a positive impact that will affect everyone in the county by promoting both mental and physical health. We reverse the negative effects of poverty by offering low-income individuals a hand up through self-employment, Shining Together by providing our neighbors with something special—a life-changing product not known to many residents in Humboldt County. 

Let me tell you about a worldwide gem! Ingeniously made with ingredients from the Red Sea, Club Viago's "Seacret" health and beauty products are for all ages and genders. You really should try it! Simply put, our mission is community restoration in every respect. W.S.T. is always planning to be a positive impact, brainstorming ideas of providing a wide range of services. Our team of thinkers meets once a week—it's called a MasterMind group—working together in harmony. We convert ideas into plans and then follow up those ideas with actions to eventually leave a positive impact on our community. All the while, we help our employees by sharpening life skills and supporting each other's growth in the fields of retail sales and property restoration. So if they choose, they can use those job skills and work for someone else! This is the core of American values—united we stand!

Our strategy towards combating poverty is unique and effective. It addresses many issues that poverty causes, like crime and addiction. How is it done? Very simple, well, kinda. This company is built on Napoleon Hill's 13+ principles outlined in his book, *Think and Grow Rich*. In the author's words, "you'll have to give to get." By compassionately offering an immediate opportunity for impoverished members in our neighborhoods to earn an income at their own pace. Will change the thier lives which will have an positive effect on their friends and family alike. Another option outside of retail is available as well. We also extract phosphate from obsidian using a revolutionary low-cost method and then provide amendments at a fair price to restore farmers' soil quality statewide. Eating is important. We all love to eat!


Thank you for reading,

Quentin Bell (C.E.O)

Special Thanks to Karen Barmast For Her Work Of Art On The SideWalk In Eureka California. This Enlightened Woman Inadvertently Art Made A POSITIVE IMPACT In My Life, During Some Of My Darkest Moments. One Day "Eye" Remember My First Time Seeing Karen's Art On The SideWalk. Almost Immediately Certain Colorful Proverbial Quotes.  Its Wisdom Jumped Off Of Karen's Sement Art Canvass. Surprised, Eye Found Myself Standing In Awe, Staring At Those Words In Unbelief! Because... What "Eye" Was Reading Spoke Volumes! An Unforgettable Moment Indeed For One Reason. Coincidentally Earlier That Same Day. "Eye" Had Been Deep In Thought. After Someone Insulted My Intelligence And Treated Me Unfairly Because Of My Circumstances. Anger And Depression, Transmuted Themselves Into A Burning Desire To Begin Brainstorming Plans. Myself Focusing On A Solution  To Social Prejudices About Homeless Individuals.  Which Have A Negative Impact About Homeless people. "Eye"  Reawakened A Sleeping Giant. To Be The Change. At That Present Moment. Karen's Message Gave Me Some Awareness Of My Circumstances, Face My Personal Demons That I Was Allowing To Hold Me From Accomplishing WeShineTogether LLC Today. Further More, As Time Progressed, The Other Quotes On Her Sidewalk Mural Gave Me The Encouragement And Faith Along The Way Of My Journey. THANKS KAREN BARMAST FOR THE POSITIVE IMPACT YOU LEFT ON YOUR NEIGHBORS!

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